Remote Learning.. over and out!

Our Key Values - Kindness, Resilience, Team work and Mindfulness
We know these are highly unusual times we are living through right now and we want to emphasise our key values that are more important now than ever before. Our remote learning provision has been set up to support at home learning and we fully expect participation of some sort from each and every pupil.
Home schooling has now been in full swing for the last 2 months. We as a school, and I as the head teacher are incredibly proud of what our school, teachers, pupils and parents have all achieved. We won't deny the strains it has had, and the sleepless nights it has given, but... we are nearly there.
I want to thank you for everything you as parents, as as students have contributed in supporting our school community. Without our students turning up to virtual lessons, and parents supporting homework and coursework, our remote learning would have not seen the successes it has had, and the impact it has had has been vast.
I ask that this grit, hard work and determination continues over the coming weeks before our doors are finally back open, and may they continue as our school reopens again.
We look forward to welcoming you back with open arms after the 8th March, and I for one cannot wait to see the buzz of learning fill our school once more. Please ensure you check the website; news and twitter feeds for any additional information over the coming weeks.
Mr Roach- Headteacher